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Understanding Region of Interest (RoI Pooling)

15min coffee icon21 min read

Quick and easy explanation what is RoI Pooling and how it works? Why do we event using it in Fast R-CNNs? Can we use sth better instead?


Step by Step visual introduction to Diffusion Models.

15min coffee icon15min coffee icon15min coffee icon63 min read

How the diffusion models works under the hood? Visual guide to diffusion process and model architecture.


V8 function optimization

15min coffee icon5min coffee icon5min coffee icon34 min read

JS engines are complicated piece of software. I want to quickly explain one of the optimization techniques V8 is using to speed up your code execution.


Introduction to Attention Mechanism

15min coffee icon15min coffee icon5min coffee icon5min coffee icon54 min read

How Attention was created? Why does it work and why it is one of the most important things in ML right now?

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